Sunday, December 9, 2012

"The Next Big Thing"

I was tagged to do this by Vanessa Ryan ~ a woman I'd like to say is a joy to get to know and I must thank because my blog was being left on the way side by so many other projects that had taken up my time. So this is a two sided blog post, 1) to be included in “The Next Big Thing” and 2) to resurrect my blog for future uses
Here's her website, which I must insist you check out is:
Just to make sure I’m not alone in this, I would like to tag:
Kim Carmichael (who is an extremely beautiful and amazing author, and is also a very busy woman)
Cameo Renae (who is amazingly talented)
Nathan Squiers (who can get you hooked with his way of spinning a tale)
Megan Jeanette Parker (who has an amazing new twist to love triangles everywhere)
And last but not least,
Sarah Jayne Carr (who can show me a thing or two about keeping up with a blog while writing a series of books and shorts)
The rules for you guys are at the bottom of the page.
Okay, here we go.
1.What is the working title of your book?
“Wiccan Lies”, though that is not a working title but the ACTUAL title for my book, being released April 1, 2013
2.Where did the idea come from for the book?
I was reading a book from Laurell K. Hamilton (I believe it was Obsidian Butterfly), and the idea to write a book containing actual facts and info on Wicca came to my mind. There have been so many misrepresentations of Wicca that I felt someone should give the public access to what Wicca truly is. However this is a series of books that I am working on so there is a bit of actual fact and info on Wicca through each book.
3. What genre does your book fall under?
I’m honestly not quite sure, but I would put it under Paranormal Romance or maybe just Paranormal
4.Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
MacKenzie Spayde: Gabrielle Anwar
Damion Konztatino: Ian Somerhalder
I haven’t really figured out who I want to play Rapzodie or Ethan yet. And then there is that pesky Mr. Why
5.What is the one sentence synopsis of your book?
MacKenzie just realized the bogeyman is real and he lives right next door
6.Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
I’m an Indie Author but “Wiccan Lies” will be part of the Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly Publishing family
7.How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
Almost eight years
8.What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
I believe it’s a Kim Harrison meets Kelley Armstrong type of book. That sounds braggy to me and I don’t like to be braggy but you did ask the question so I felt I should attempt to give it an answer *laughs*
9.Who or what inspired you to write the book?
The misrepresentation of Wicca was really the beginning of the inspiration to write “Wiccan Lies”. The rest was really something I had been playing with for years to write down and this gave me the courage
10. What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?
I wrote this book from the prospect of the reader. I’m an avid reader and I know what keeps me reading a book. If I’m not hooked by the end of the second chapter, I will put the book down and forget about it for months on end until I come across it when cleaning or whatever. I tried to write “Wiccan Lies” so that the reader would be sucked into the world of MacKenzie Spayde from the very first word.
Okay, for the five authors I tagged ~
The Rules: The Next Big Thing
Include your introduction post along with the link to the person who tagged you. Then answer these same ten questions about your work in progress/just published; feel free to include pictures if applicable. Choose five other writers/bloggers and contact them via email or Twitter to see if they would like to participate, then add their links. (Or just surprise them, like I did with you all.)
Post your responses on your own site between December 10th-December 20th, and title it The Next Big Thing.

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